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Luna in the Tavern is a quality web visual novel about drinking.

Drink with the folks, play their game, or break the rules! Can there be anything better than some good debauchery in a tavern after a long journey? Luna has her own opinion on the matter! The locals draw her into a drinking game of "Never have I ever..." and only you can help her win! Or lose...


Game features:

  • ✨ A visual novel with many choices
  • 🎭 5 possible endings
  • 💕 16 scenes
  • 🎪 A gallery to track your progress
  • 🎉 Your choices really matter
  • 🎶 Original soundtrack



We recommend playing with your mouse. And don’t forget to enter full-screen mode!

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Make sure that the "Allow sites to save and read cookie data (recommended)" is ON and "Block third-party cookies" option is OFF


Enjoyed the First Episode? Play the full version of Luna in the Tavern by clicking on this link! Also, follow us!


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Episode-1-Luna-In-The-Tavern-ANDROID.apk 43 MB 146 MB 149 MB 150 MB 143 MB

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RUSSIAN-Луна-В-Таверне-Эпизод1-Русская 147 MB
RUSSIAN-Луна-В-Таверне-Эпизод1-Русская 150 MB
RUSSIAN-Луна-В-Таверне-Эпизод1-Русская 150 MB
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Development log


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How do I see "Luna, the wet rider" scene?

(1 edit)

возможно ли как то оплатить другим способом или не на А то проблемя в рф


(2 edits)

Такая ситуация, прошел 1 эпизод на сайте(тк из рф играл с впном) поменял страну в впне и все сейвы слетели, возможно ли это как то вернуть, или как то защититься от этого на будующее?(при переходе на другой браузер - та же проблема)Я просто думал, что сейв галереи привязан к аккаунту патреона

Сейв галереи привязан к куки файлам. То есть при переключении браузера они слетят, или при очистке куки файлов. Можно разве что скачиваемый клиент использовать, там сейв галереи можно скопировать из папки с игрой, так нет вероятности потерять сохранение.

(1 edit)

Покупка скачиваемых версий одноразовая, т.е. при следующих обновлениях если в главу внесут изменения мне нужно будет снова покупать, можете объяснить как это работает или дать ссылку на данную информацию?

Ну то что на русском - бесплатно. А то что на английском - там вроде в профиле в my library есть раздел my purchases, может, там можно скачать и обновления?

да? я просто не знаю, еще не купил, спрашиваю заранее

i goofed :/ i bought this 2 weeks ago and i bought the bundle and forgot about it, then now i bought the bundle again. i didnt know itch sould let you do that x-x

Hello! Maybe you can ask an itch support to get a refund? Anyway, we appreciate your support, thank you! 😅

Umm. I purchased the bundle containing all the episodes. Played episode 1 until it began offering to "play full version here" (or something). The link to the full episode sents me to an online version of the game which again is not the full version but actually something that requires a Patreon support membership.

Have I messed up something, or what is going on? (I also can't send you message via support email for some reason. Maybe because I purchased a bundle, and not a singular game?)

(1 edit)

Hello! The game is so big that it has been separated into episodes for an easier walkthrough. When you play the episodes, you can unlock all scenes faster than you would in the "full game." For example, scenes like "Don't Break Taboos" or "Don't Be So Shy" can be accessed more quickly. 

The "Completed Episodes Bundle" contains all the scenes from Episodes 1, 2, 3, and 4, excluding four premium access scenes for patrons. Additionally, you have access to multiple save slots and a skip button, which are not available in the "Online Demo Version."

The "Completed Episodes Bundle" doesn't contain Episode 5 content because it's still in early access and development. Once we finish working on Episode 5, we will add it to the "Completed Episodes Bundle."

I understand, it's possible that I made a mistake, and some phrases within the game client were unclear. However, by "full version," I meant the game with Episode 5, which is still in early access and development. Unfortunately, for now, you can only try it online.

I hope this helps!

Nice! Thank you! That clears it up. And sorry that I had to post it here. The unlockables do function. I was just puzzled by the “Full Game” button :-)

You are free to ask any questions here, that's why comments are unlocked. Thank you for your support!

for the mac version, I've found a lot of freezes, and the save system doesn't seem to be working properly 

Hello! Could you please tell us where you find freezes? And which problems with save system do you have?

freezes whenever the game has to load an image from the gallery in gameplay. Save menu can be opened but no save game can be created 

It's really strange, maybe it's permissions settings on your computer? The game should have permissions to create files on the computer.

By the way, you can write me in Discord (flamie7686) if you want to help us debug the game.


does the paid version include secret scenes?





It's exclusive content for our patrons


You might wanna point that out in the bundle you 've got set up. 

Right now it just says "All scenes" which doesn't really convey the lack of the patreon exclusive stuff.

Something like "All non-patreon scenes" would probably work. 

(1 edit) (+2)

I agree. Changed that in Bundle announce. 

Deleted 37 days ago

Drink in the question about massage

It keeps opening the gallery for no reason no matter what i do. I'm stuck, being forced to go back every time i reach a certain point

It's because when you open the gallery, it shows only one selected scene, you can't continue to play the normal game from gallery. If you want to play full game, you should select "new game" or load your game from saves.



how get shitfaced


3 alco 4 resent


Should I drink or not drink

(1 edit) (-1)

will there be a downloadable version for android

No :(

(1 edit)

for windows at least

How do you get the shit-faced scene I still cant


3 alco + 4 resentment

Game softlocks at the "Luna takes a break" stage, when she says "Finally, I have a moment to myself."

(1 edit)

Thank you for report

Bug has been fixed

Wow, that was fast! Thanks for the hard work.


From the art stills this looks really fun, but I've clicked everywhere on the screen and can't get the dialogue to advance!


If the game doesn't work, you need to change the "cookies" settings in your browser. To do this go to Settings > Privacy > Site settings > Cookies and site data

Make sure that the "Allow sites to save and read cookie data (recommended)" is ON and "Block third-party cookies" option is OFF


Freezes at "Finally, I have a moment for myself." Can still open menus and the like, but nothing progresses.


This rekindled my love and passion for  DOTA.
Game is quite good, artstyle is nice, story is better than most of AAA games nowadays, and you dont really need to pay to get all of this (and if you are lazy, 5$ will be enough for you to see 95% of content
Also both devs are based and deserve all support in the world


I love how the guy is all "you got attacked by a hundred guys and one-shot KO'd them all but broke my furniture in the process and now I'm going to FORCE you to work it off". Umm how the fuck exactly do you plan to do that, genius? Did you SEE what just happened here? I'd say you're not exactly in a position to make demands."


I can't seem to find the right combination for the shitfaced ending, but is a great game. I like how she looks at you when you have to choose to drink or not.


If you want some really good porn art of your favorite Dota 2 hero, then this game is for you!